You Know You're a Copywriter When...

Let’s get straight into it: you know you’re a copywriter when…

1: Your ads are all over the show.

I’m not one of those people who hate that Google/Facebook/the internet overlords show us ads that match up eerily well with what we are talking, typing, and even thinking about.

Is it a little creepy? Absolutely it is. But it’s also very convenient. A few months ago I spent a significant amount of time searching for a ceramic-lined stainless steel travel mug stocked locally. Being loath to order one to be shipped from the US, I admitted defeat. And a few days later, the perfect mug showed up in my husband’s instagram ads.

In case you are wondering.

However, my job as a copywriter can well and truly mess with my ad algorithms. I’m seeing sponsored posts from real estate agents, SME financing services, myriad tradies, and many other companies confused by my eclectic online activity.

At least the CIA will have trouble profiling me, I guess.

2: You don’t actually want to correct anyone’s spelling or grammar.

I have been asked so many times whether I’m tempted to correct the grammar and spelling I see on social media.

The answer is a resounding “no”.

Do you want to do your job for free? I’m only interested in correcting people who want to be corrected. And only if they pay me.

3: You are impressed by clever use of words.

If you’ve spent enough time with me, you’ve probably heard about how much I love the name “Shopify”. I’m also a big fan of their tagline: “whatever you sell, sell more of it.” Simple and to the point. Turn your website into an online shop. Shopify it. It’s brilliant!

I’m also a big fan of freestyle rap and in awe of people who can come up with clever lines and motifs OFF THE TOP OF THEIR HEAD.  I cannot emphasise enough how incredible that is.

Here’s a homegrown rap battle for you.

4: You cannot write a single thing about yourself.

Writing websites for other businesses? No problem. Writing my own? Impossible. This is my first attempt at a blog since April 2021.

5: You can never remember the right word.

I played Scattergories on New Years’ Eve. My teammate was an English teacher. We came in dead last.

Despite the fact that my livelihood depends on it, my recall for specific words is terrible. It took me about ten minutes and an online thesaurus to come up with “motifs” for number three.

As it turns out, that list started out with plausibly universal experiences and devolved into personal failings. Fellow copywriters, do you have anything to add?